Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Getcha Some Paint by Numbers

This little gem of a picture is the starting point for my whole stinking house. A $10 find at an estate sale in Portland a few years ago has been inspiring me for the last 3 years and it's kicked off a pretty silly obsession. 

This farm scene in a cheap spray painted frame pretty much sums up the things I love in my house. First off it's an original vintage paint by numbers, which is just so mid century, kitschy and a bit irreverent. Second its crisp rustic scene is cozy and inviting. And the colors are beautiful, rich and classic, can't you just imagine a beautiful plaid throw in these tones?

I've slowly but surely added to my collection to where I can now boast one or more in every room, with more on the way from ebay!

The horse paint by numbers are prolific, and
 I'm still working on how to use my 6 or so in a manner that
doesn't make me seem like a "horse girl", you know the kind.

Here are my paint by number tricks in case you'd like to start your collection or are on the hunt;
  1. I won't pay more than $10 including shipping for a painting. There's enough out there that you can be patient, but believe it or not they're increasing in value since Country Living and rustic-kitschy trendsetters like Teresa Surratt have been bringing them back. Um yeah, I may be kidding myself here, but I'm pretty sure they are the new "it thing"....
  2. I make a once a month round to Goodwill, St. Vinnies and Value Village to look for these babies and my other favorite obsession, vintage state souvenir plates. Can you handle the kitschy-ness?!
  3. Ebay is my best go to option online, lots and lots of paint by numbers, including horrible cat and clown ones. Those should be burned.
  4. And finally I have luck with 1 out of 10 estate sales so I normally only attend ones that take place in mid century style homes.....they tend to be little time capsules.
They may be a bit off and unique, but they always make for good conversation and I have yet to meet someone who hasn't enjoyed taking a peak at the work of some 1950's retiree that sit on my walls.

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